IT Departments are looking for better ways

Many financial institutions struggle with managing policies related to print costs, security and reducing waste.

IT Departments are looking for better ways

Proactively Managing the Firms Print Fleet

To help enforce your bank’s printing policy, uniFLOW can control access at the MFPs. IT managers have the power to limit color printing, force duplex printing, and avoid releasing unclaimed print requests. They can require management authorization for jobs of a certain size or type too. All print usage activity can be measured and reported back to departments for further review to help improve printing policy’s and compliance.

Proactively Managing the Firms Print Fleet

Reducing Waste and Enforcing Printing Rules

Route print jobs to the most appropriate device using capabilities to set parameters. By setting the number of pages that can be printed on a local desktop printer and/or automatically send larger jobs to a more economical workgroup, MFPs management of printing policy and reducing costs can be achieved.

Reducing Waste and Enforcing Printing Rules

Monitor Secure Words and Help Prevent Information Theft

uniFLOW with imageWARE Secure Audit Manager Express can monitor device activity, track key words, and alert IT staff to potential information leaks.

Monitor Secure Words and Help Prevent Information Theft

Safeguard Device Data with HDD Format and More

Today's multifunction devices feature hard drives that often store confidential data. When retiring or removing a device, you can use the HDD Format feature to completely overwrite any information left on the drive.

Create A More Efficient Print Network that Helps Control Costs

After many mergers, financial institutions are working to understand costs across their entire organization. uniFLOW enables you to gain control of device usage, no matter how large or geographically dispersed your company is.

Create A More Efficient Print Network that Helps Control Costs

Proactive Supplies and Service Fulfillment

Canon Managed Document Services is the outsourcing of the management and continual optimization of your document output fleet and related business processes. In short, it’s a way of re-focusing attention on your core business. Leaving print related activities in the hands of Canon, your trusted experts.

Proactive Supplies and Service Fulfillment
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