Whether your firm has one attorney or many, they probably spend multiple hours assembling, storing, and retrieving legal documents. Canon offers solutions that can help you speed up document preparation, collaborate better with your associates, and integrate virtually seamlessly with many case management systems.
Clients and law firms are under increasing pressure to know what they're paying for so they can control expenses. This means law firms need better ways to track expenses while also containing costs to improve profitability. Clients are also under pressure to manage legal expenses and provide more visibility into performance metrics. Canon solutions can help firms leverage content workflow metrics to gain insight and actionable intelligence about expenses impacting their bottom-line.
Canon U.S.A. does not provide legal or regulatory advice concerning customers' compliance with specific laws including, without limitation, Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA, GLBA, Check 21, USA Patriot Act or federal and state privacy laws. Customers should always consult with qualified counsel to determine if they are in compliance with all applicable laws.