Whether your firm has one attorney or many, they probably spend multiple hours assembling, storing, and retrieving legal documents. Canon offers solutions that can help you speed up document preparation, collaborate better with your associates, and integrate virtually seamlessly with many case management systems.

Integrate paper documents with ease
With Canon document distribution solutions, your compatible imageRUNNER ADVANCE device can become a high speed entry point for your case management system. Simply place case documents in the feeder, press a one-touch button, and manually add index fields or automatically capture them from your document. An electronic version can then be stored into your database for easy retrieval at a later date.
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Scan to Worldox
Paper documents are critical to how your firm practices law each day. Scanning hard-copy pages into a document management system is often a time consuming, manual, multi-step process. Now, Scan to Worldox can enable your staff to quickly and easily send documents to Worldox directly from the touchscreen of your compatible imageRUNNER ADVANCE multifunctional printer (MFP). Now, you can step up to a Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE device and quickly scan, classify, and upload your case documents to Worldox with confidence.
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Edit & Consolidate Case Documents
Do you often create pleadings with multiple exhibits and addenda? Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Desktop is a great solution for legal document assembly. It allows you to combine hard copy scanned pages, Microsoft Office documents, PDF files, photographs, and many other kinds of files. You can organize them in the right order and add page numbers to create a case document for print or electronic distribution.
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Content Management & Collaboration
Managing the volume of paper in a legal practice can be a challenge, Canon offers solutions to help your firm consolidate and manage paper and digital content.
Secure Enterprise Printing >
Enterprise Management
imageWARE Enterprise Management Console delivers a streamlined, centralized point of control for various devices installed across your enterprise. This expandable console can help reduce the downtime of devices by directing low toner, paper jams, and device maintenance alerts via e-mail messages to the network administrator.
MFP Security Considerations >
Efficient and High-Speed Document Scanning
From individuals to small workgroups, document scanning provides extensive benefits to helping companies and businesses run smoothly and efficiently. With high-quality image capture, fast scan speeds, and user-friendly designs, imageFORMULA scanners can help ensure time is not wasted. Learn more about the different benefits of document scanning.
MFP Login Security >


Clients and law firms are under increasing pressure to know what they're paying for so they can control expenses. This means law firms need better ways to track expenses while also containing costs to improve profitability. Clients are also under pressure to manage legal expenses and provide more visibility into performance metrics. Canon solutions can help firms leverage content workflow metrics to gain insight and actionable intelligence about expenses impacting their bottom-line.

Track and Manage Costs Comprehensively
uniFLOW enables you to gain control over print usage, even across a large firm. You can limit user access to more costly operations, route jobs automatically to less expensive printers, proactively manage your compatible fleet, and create detailed analytical reports to identify other areas where you can reduce costs. It can also easily track device-related expenses, including matter and submatter billing codes.
uniFLOW Output Management >
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Encourage Cost-Conscious Activity
uniFLOW has the ability to route print jobs to specific printers or locations based on customizable criteria, such as routing print jobs to the most cost effective device, or routing print jobs to alternative devices if one is not available - this can be done automatically as determined by an IT Administrator, or a user can be notified about the cost of his or her print job and have the option to reroute the job themselves.
Rules Based Alerts and Routing For Printing >
Integrate Devices with Common Billing Applications
Do you track expenses using Equitrac, Copitrak, or nQueue Billback? With Canon MEAP embedded applications you can virtually seamlessly link your device to these cost accounting applications. Whenever you print or copy, you can enter codes and ensure that device-related expenses are accurately recorded in your system.
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Canon U.S.A. does not provide legal or regulatory advice concerning customers' compliance with specific laws including, without limitation, Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA, GLBA, Check 21, USA Patriot Act or federal and state privacy laws. Customers should always consult with qualified counsel to determine if they are in compliance with all applicable laws.

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