Authorized Send CAC/PIV
- Supports CAC/PIV, 2-factor authentication
- Embedded application, no middleware needed
- Distribute documents quickly and securely to various destinations including e-mail, network folders and fax/fax server destinations.
- Supports (256 AES) and Digital Signatures
- IT administrators can manage destinations, restrict document distribution to unauthorized locations (i.e., specific domains, e-mail addresses, or Address Books) and create audit trails.
Return Policy
To assist Federal agencies to increase their information security and to meet the requirements of the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12), the Department of Homeland Security requires Federal agency employees—both civilian and military (DoD)—and their contractors to use standardized Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) identification to gain access to facilities and information systems. This standardized identification policy is used to increase security of sensitive information that’s contained in, and passes through, information systems. Canon developed Authorized Send CAC/PIV, a state-of-the art solution that utilizes a powerful two-factor authentication and integrates with your CAC/PIV server to validate credentials before a user can access the document distribution features of their Canon device. This assists in reducing the risk of data being leaked over your network.
Federal employees whether they are civilian or military (DoD) will find that Authorized Send CAC/PIV (ASend CAC/PIV) is a quick, easy, and secure, way to scan and distribute documents to e-mail recipients, network folders and fax destinations.

Users walk up to the device and place their Common Access Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card into the card reader and enter their pin.

Authorized Send CAC/PIV easily integrates into the Address Book which users can then easily use this function for quick and accurate scan-to-e-mail and scan-to-fax server.

Individual government employees who want additional security can do so using validated Encryption and Digital Signatures. This allows individuals users to apply a digital signature and up to 256-bit AES encryption that's validated with their CAC/PIV certificate prior to using Authorized Send CAC/PIV to e-mail documents.

Authorized Send CAC/PIV is a serverless integration that installs directly on Canon devices. It requires no additional server or middleware, and supports several protocols including Active Directory, LDAP, and Kerberos.

IT administrators can manage destinations and use audit activity to restrict document distribution to unauthorized locations (i.e., specific domains, e-mail addresses, or Address Books) and create audit trails.
To ease administration, distributions and to manage their fleet, IT Administrators can easily deploy imageWARE Enterprise Management Console (EMC) Device Application Management (DAM) Plug-in. The DAM plug in can remotely install, update, and uninstall MEAP applications on network connected devices. IT administrators can centralize Application/License Management, as well as remotely control MEAP applications and gather device application inventory and Information.

Authorized Send CAC/PIV easily integrates with Advanced Authentication CAC/PIV; which allows credential sharing between these applications for authorized users to lock down the device and improve efficiency.

† Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Actual prices are determined by individual dealers and may vary.
Technical Specifications
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Authorized Send Brochure
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