Harness Canon’s space telescopes, sensors, and multi-purpose cameras on-board your satellite for superb earth observation and space situational awareness imagery. Canon's family of multi-purpose cameras feature ultra-high sensitivity sensors for incredible low-light imagery in day or nighttime environments. Canon’s Space Telescopes make full use of the Canon Group’s heritage of world-class optical design and manufacturing technologies to produce super-telephoto imagery from space. Canon offers high megapixel, low light, and global shutter CMOS sensors to develop OEM camera satellite imagery solutions.

CMOS Sensors
High-Density, Global Shutter, BSI, High-Sensitivity, Low-Light and Hyperspectral CMOS Sensors

Space Telescopes
Lineup of Satellite Telescopes That Make Full Use of Canon’s Optical Technology

Canon Industrial Cameras
Multi-Purpose Cameras with High-Sensitivity for Low-Light Imaging